This is still a work in progress but upon the live footage that you can obviously see, i also have poll questions, and articles which reference what the hell I'm ranting about! I plan on getting this up and running to be even better soon! YEAH


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A YEA YAY!!!! Fun easy-going person who tries to live life to the fullest! Very spontaneous and I'm glad. Always keeping busy which I have come to enjoy. Have great friends and family who always give me there support no matter what! Thank u all!!

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Tashard Choice asking for an autograph

The Cowboys Eagles game was a great game Sunday night and a perfect display of how divisional rivals play against eachother. You never know who will win or how far either team will go to get the win. Unfortunately for my Cowboys, Vick couldn't be stopped, he was electric (as usual). He brings such fire to that Eagle offense and the team has found a true leader. Not only do fans recognize his capabilities (whether you like him or not) the man deserves all the credit in the world and has clearly worked hard to get where he is now. After the game, Tashard Choice handed Vick a white glove and a black marker for an autograph. A controversial move to most and I'm sure Cowboy fans have been offended. He tweeted "If its anybody that cares about winning and the d cowboys its me. I apologize to the people it was just an innocent jesture for my nephew." Be that as it may, was it necessary to do it right after the game so blatantly in front of the media? I mean everyone KNEW it would be blown out of proportion and upset the fans. Unfortunately for players an innocent gesture such as this, may be taken out of context and cause a riff amongst the team and with fans. I think he should have done this afterwards, when most of the media and fans had cleared out. It wouldn't have been a big deal, but to be so obvious about it? I just don't like it, left a sour taste in my mouth. The players claim they don't mind the decision that Choice made and neither does Jason Garrett. I understand the players have an ample amount of respect for one another and I'm sure there is a lot of admiration that goes along with that. I just think that the timing was a poor decision on Choice's part and quite disrespectful to the fan base in Dallas.

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